Vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour visionner vos sources Full HD (décodeur satellite, mediaplayer, lecteur BluRay, …) sur toutes les télévisions de la maison, sans devoir hypothéquer les meubles?
Un Modulateur HDMI peut être la parfaite solution à votre problème.
When an installer designs a custom multiroom music system for a client, he starts with choosing a vendor's base system that he is familiar with and adds elements from that same vendor or complements it with third party equipment. to fulfill the specification.
Each project has its own particularities, because of the size and layout of the rooms, the quality levels expected, the difficulty to embed high-tech gear into building structures, the budget allocation, etc. Most installers who have travelled the road of custom system design know that to to deliver a flawless system which goes beyond customer expectation, a far greater effort is required from their imagination than the product vendors would like you to believe when you browse their commercial and technical litterature. And they also know that at some point, there is no going back on a flawed design. That's why we thought it would be interesting to list the basics do's and don'ts and to bring good value advice in the format of a two-sheet whitepaper by stepping into the shoes of the installer.
C'est en tout cas ce que les fournisseurs d'électronique grand-public et certains opérateurs essaient de vous faire croire. Nous sommes plus nuancés : un bon réseau domestique multimédia combine le meilleur des technologies du câble et du sans-fil.
Mais pourquoi faudrait-il encore investir dans du câblage lorsque le portable, la tablette et le smartphone sont équipés de WiFi?